Home Stretch
Hi Again,
Our team "The Bernie's are still fund-raising for this fun but vitality important event.
We're on the home stretch and I'll stop bothering everyone soon!😂😂.
If there is any chance you can throw a couple of dollars this way, it would be greatly appreciated by me, my team, the Cancer Council but most importantly, the people who are on the receiving end of the help they provide and the researchers who are working hard trying to find a cure for cancer.
If anyone wants to come down and watch a massive bunch of people dressed as Marilyn Monroe, and have a bit of fun at the same time, come down to Brighton on the 2nd of February . We will swim at about 10.30 am. Its a fun day. Hope to see a few of you there!❤️💋❤️💋
Thank you for your support
My Updates

Saturday night thoughts
Friday 10th Jan
Saturday thoughts
Friday 10th Jan Hi, me again...
Let's get this party started!
Saturday 4th Jan Hi friends and family,Thank you to my Sponsors

Irene Jones

Meetup Karaoke

Bronwyn Bottrall

Aunty Jan
Have a great fun day

Johanna Bottrall

Linda H
Go Karaoke Sister!!

Great effort girls!!


Bronwyn Bottrall

Dalma Romaldi

Go girls....

Anne Graefe

Box Donations
Our Team

Cate Pearce (C)

Ruby Kempster

Kathryn Bishop


Mary-Jane Hendry

Bronwyn Bottrall

Billie Thomas

Wade Kempster

Bryce Terry

Love your dedication Bronny