Marilyn's Melbourne Mermaids

Thanks to you, we're one step closer to a cancer free future!

1 in 2 Australian's will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85. Your support will help us change this terrible statistic and also assist the 28 South Australian's diagnosed with cancer every day and their families.

Every dollar raised will help Cancer Council SA invest in ground-breaking cancer research, empower people to reduce their own risk with prevention education, and provide essential support to everyone impacted by cancer.

Today, you can help Cancer Council SA work towards a cancer free future by supporting us in the Marilyn Jetty Swim. It is sure to be an unforgettable challenge that we will remember forever.

Thank you for your support


Thank you to our Sponsors


Wendy Doyle

Well done, but I’m envious!


Claire And Andrew

Go Bron and Team!! Well done for a terrific cause. Love the photo, send some more!


Robyn Murphy


Cathy Carolan

Well done, always admire your passion and participation for a great cause


Robyn Murphy


Prema Finn

Good on you, Bron!


Melissa Muir


Bronwyn Cohen


Kylie Doyle


Lara Austin



Swim hard, you good thing!!