
Thanks to you, we're one step closer to a cancer free future!

So why and what is TeamFOG 2025?  

We had no idea that there are 30 new cancer diagnoses in South Australia every day. That’s more than 11,000 South Australians every year.  Our Imogen is one of those, so four years ago, when she was diagnosed aged 27,  TeamFOG (Fuck off Gary) was born.  FOG because she named her cancer Gary, apologies to all the Gary's. 😘

So this beautiful group of friends come together each year, bravely donning white bathers, wigs, red lippy and the trademark mole to swim for FOG, but now we also swim for brothers, mothers, fathers, aunties, nephews, nieces and friends. 

Every dollar this team raises through the Marilyn Jetty Swim will fund Cancer Council SA’s vital research, prevention programs and support services, like Cancer Council 13 11 20, for all South Australians impacted by cancer.

We would love your support whatever way that is possible for you...❤️ make a donation $$$$, raise awareness by re-posting/sharing this page, join us at Brighton on the 2nd Feb, cheer us on, take a moment in remembrance of those who have passed and hold onto those who are on their journey.

With thanks and gratitude.  ❤️💕❤️

TeamFOG 2025.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Rotary Club Of Walkerville


Louise Cameron




Mandy Cescato


Angela Champion


Wild Hairm Leonie

You go ladies ! Love this


Donna Lambert


William Britten-jones

Enjoy the day


Peter & Michelle Samarzia


Traditional Urban (guido And Pelle Ranaldo)


Jann Lippett

Grow the support so the cancers don’t.


Justine Thompson


Kate Prescott

I done give.


Elizabeth Barendregt

swim swim swim. xxx


Franca And Mario Colangelo

Good luck 😉


Nick Cescato

Go Mandy you good thing! Xx


Farrell Goode Solicitors


Karen Johnston



Great work!


Teresa Cimmino



Helen Claridge

Mandy Love to Imogen and to you xx


Anita Storry


Louise Grigg


Nick Manglaras

Fuck of Garry you fucker.


Ian Henschke



Go gorgeous girl!!!


Pip And Mike Duigan


Angela Centofanti

Make a splash!! xx


Sue And Peter Fraser


Jennifer Terry

Go girls!


John & Margaret


David Rutter


Janette Miller

Go girl!


Jane Ryan


Harold Joseph

Well done, again, dearest and most amazingly wonderful Amanda, luvya Mandy xx


Margaret Bressan

To Mandy and all the team, best wishes for the Marilyn Jetty Swim. Regards Margaret



What a worthwhile cause Mandy, sending love. K&S


Andrew & Toni

Go Mandy & Team FoG !!!


Alex Townsley

Have fun!! From the Townsley’s


Bernie Cescato

You Ho Marilyn Mandie Such a worthy cause in honour of your beautiful daughter Imi who battled breast cancer and won 💜💜


Stephanie Grant


Michael Byrne

Enjoy your day!


Sue Fiegert

Go Sis!!! Maybe next year I can join you.


Teresa Irene Danville



Denise Bateman

Go Lou, great way to raise funds xxx


Suzi Cengarle

Great cause. Looks like great fun too.


Dillon & Jacqui Rogers

You rock that Marilyn outfit! Go Trish x


Frank Best

Well done Trishy


Marie Delloso

Wonderful girls doing good and having fun for a wonderful cause! Enjoy your swim!


Roger Thomas


Erika Von Aspern


Diana Luff

Thanks from Diana for buying a Marilyn pillow as we were leaving Brighton beach. Never too late!


Tiffanny Sched

Great job Miss Vic



Hi Trish, I put my donations in my daughters name for her tax deductions


Holly Wake


Carrie Pato

Go Vickie! You’re a legend, have a fun day. xx


Lam Nguyen

Amazing stuff Vickie! Have a great swim!


Karen Ellis

Hi Lou!!



You go girl! Don’t forget to wear your ‘arrow’ headband so we know where you are in the photos LOL!!!!


Jack Langley


Vicki Foote


Erika Von Aspern


Trish Carmody


Jacinta Manos

Go girls


Brad Lancaster

Well done again!


Paul Connelly

Go team FOG2025


Jenny Charewicz

You’re all AMAZING! 👏👏


Linda And Vittorio De Marchi

Good job Mandy!




Deb Secombe

Go you!!!!


Sandra Kite


Sue Leathem

Go Vickie, swim fast xxx




Vickie Harris



Onya Trish!


David Shetliffe




Better Homes And Gardens R/e


Tammy Butler-bowdon



Go Marilyn Trish xx


Anna Desciscio


Heather Kramer


Linda Castellan

Great cause! I hope you have a fun day xx


Vicki Williams

have fun


Angelina Ranaldo

Congratulations to your team 'Fog 2025', on supporting such a wonderful cause. With love, Angelina


Graeme Harris


Susan Fahy-scheer

FOG! Go Girls 🥰



Go mum go!!! <3


Claudia Cole

You rock Miss Vic!


Jillian Fox

Congratulations on your fund raising and taking the plunge



May the water be warm and calm


Erina Newnham

Well done, great cause to support 💟


Erina Newnham

Well done Trish 💟 great cause to support


Michelle Bowes


Gina Cerro


Fay Langford


Patrick Mentzel

Go gals 😉


Lynn Gilliard


Kerry Harrington

Go Vicki!!!. Great cause you look great as a marilyn. 😊