Marilyn's Brighton Beach Babes

Thanks to you, we're one step closer to a cancer free future!

There are 30 new cancer diagnoses in South Australia every day. That’s more than 11,000 South Australians every year. Your support will help my team change this terrible statistic.

Every dollar my team raises through the Marilyn Jetty Swim will fund Cancer Council SA’s vital research, prevention programs and support services, like Cancer Council 13 11 20, for all South Australians impacted by cancer.

Today, you can help us achieve our fundraising goal by making a donation, and supporting us in the Marilyn Jetty Swim.

Together, we can make sure no one has to go through cancer alone.

Thank you for your support


Thank you to our Sponsors


Carmine De Pasquale


Margaret De Pasquale


Carey Aylmer




Michele Bennetts


Rose Mcculloch

Well done everyone! Much love, McCulloch family x


Elizabeth Dalwood

Well done Ollie, looking good


Michael Robertson

Hi Sandra, great thing you are doing and best of luck. Having been affected myself but very lucky with my outcome, unfortunately my father did not have the same outcome as me and we miss him everyday. Hopefully my small donation helps along the way for your fundraising.


Catherine Videon


Carey Aylmer


Sally Ashworth

Can’t wait to see you and John (especially John 😆) dressed as Marilyn’s xxx



Well done Sandra!


Ansr Dispute Resolution


Jen & Barry Simes


Jen & Barry Simes


Jen & Barry Simes


Jen & Barry Simes


Carey Aylmer


Jo Woods

Such a great cause. Have fun & well done you xx


Robyn Young

Best of luck


Shaan Gilson

Go Mon You will smash it and for such a good cause xx Love Shaan


Catherine Guse

Love it Mon! You will make a wonderful Marilyn!


Teresa Marfea

Good luck Margaret and Carmen!


Poppa Smurf


Emma Ginman

Photos are required for Monday! But seriously, well done.


Leah Draper





Jared And Liz Simes

Can't wait to see the pics!! Excellent cause.


Sandra Williams

Looking forward to swimming with you for this great cause.


Matthew Adam

A great cause, go get um Sandra! Just hang on to the Marilyn in front, photos please


Natalie Pribanic

Well done John! Best of luck with the swim! 😁


Jo Liptak

Go Nique, so inspired by you all, maybe we will join the team next year. Have fun my friend, it looks like it will be so hot you will welcome getting in that water ❤️



I’ll be there with the camera To Capture it. Have fun x


Helen Sellers

Woo‼️Hoo‼️you got this, Margaret & Carm‼️👏👏👏💛


Eugenia De Pasquale


Carrie Simes


Matt And Amanda Task Force Solutions


Felicity England

Go make a splash!


Jaime Ellis

You've Got This! X


Jocko And Janice

Wee will need a photo


Jocko And Janice

We will need a phito


Craig And Jen Brown

Good job John - hope the outfit isn’t too snug - have fun supporting great cause ….


Julie O’malley

Go girl, have a ball, lots of fun and laughs and well done for your fundraising!


Susanne Cooper

You go! Such a worthwhile cause.


Amber Doyle

Good weather for it Carrie and Geoff!


Kylie Simes


Valerie Dickinson

Keep your wig on


Anna Evangelou


Sarah Vaile

Have fun!


Kristy Zammit

You’re made to be a Marilyn. Proud of you Meek.


Craig And Jenny Brown

Well done guys, great cause , hope you fun xx


Brett Simes




Brett Simes


Carey Aylmer


Elizabeth Dickinson


Elizabeth Dickinson


Dylan Williams


John Anthony Mcculloch


Della Davi

Great job Carrie!


Duncan Booth

Good luck


Jarred Archer

Get a photo for the website!


Dan Mackenzie

Better late than never!! You’re awesome ❤️


Celeste De Pasquale


Emma Graham


Danica Brodie


Kelly Rugless


Christine Mcauliffe

Day for it! Good luck and go you for such a wonderful cause xxx


Nicole Betterman

Well done Marilyn’s…Enjoy every moment McCulloch’s! 😘😘


Madeline Edkins

Great job Mon xxx


Peter Hart

John- you need to send me a picture as discussed!


Nic And Kym

Swim between the flags….. or keep doing what you do best 😜


Monique Cesana

Well done. Set a photo target amount Mon!


Bronya & Bryn Williams

Well done Sandra! A fabulous cause! Enjoy! ❤❤


Paula Brinkworth

Good luck Mon, great effort! ❤️


Clare Mazzone

Well done Sandra! Hope you enjoyed yourself❤️


Jamie Eichler

Great cause John from personal experience. Good luck Jamie


Tamieka Mcculloch

take the kit off!


Tamieka Mcculloch

Monique Monroe!


Beck Hoffmann


Lisa Forbes



Good luck, Sandra. It's a beautiful beach - enjoy. Thanks for making a difference to people's lives.


Rob Wiseman


Joanne Dickinson


John Bozzon



James Kavuki


Steve O’malley

Good luck & enjoy


Monique Mcculloch


Elaine & Steve

Photo is required! Good on you both xx


Monique Gray


Gill Nimon

Brilliant .. have fun Monique and John ! ❤️


Geoff Simes


Michelle De Pasquale


Sue Macdonald

Good on you and John - what a great cause xx


Leanne Rouvray

Born for it! Great job fundraising Mon


Maya U



Peter Veloudos

Wishing you all the best John!


Wenna Shimmield

Well done!




Chris Roberts

Good luck John!


Lauren Blake




Ansr Dispute Resolution